Chair for Drug Formulation and Delivery

Antibacterial Activity of Anacardic Acid Derivatives


Congratulations to Marco, Niclas & team! The detailed the antibacterial efficacy of some Anacardic Acid derivatives in their manuscript just coming online with ACS Infections Diseases!


Graphical abstract is reprinted with permission from:

„Saedtler, M., Förtig, N., Ohlsen, K., Faber, F., Masota, N., Kowalick, K., Holzgrabe, U., Meinel, L. (2020). Antibacterial Anacardic Acid Derivatives. ACS Infect. Dis. 2020 Jun 10, doi:10.1021/acsinfecdis.9b00378  [Epub ahead of print, Article ASAP].”

 Copyright 2020 American Chemical Society
